
Ricostruire la mammella dopo la mastectomia in modo sicuro

Febbraio 5, 2019

Ricostruire la mammella dopo la mastectomia in modo sicuro. In un solo, immediato, intervento mediante le protesi in silicone. Pubblicato studio clinico con la tecnica originale del Dott. Egidio Riggio

Local safety of immediate reconstruction during primary treatment of breast cancer. Direct-to-implant versus expander-based surgery

Safe easy Way to One-stage Breast Reconstruction with Silicone Implants after Mastectomy

Dear colleagues and friends, I wish to share with you my new article published in JPRAS “Local safety of immediate reconstruction during primary treatment of breast cancer. Direct-to-implant versus expander-based surgery” available as Open Access for one month.
Anyone clicking on this link before March 9 will be taken directly to my article on ScienceDirect, which you are welcome to read or download. No sign up, registration or fees are required.

This study investigated all factors that could lead to major or minor complications after expander-based versus direct-to-implant (DTI) reconstruction.294 immediate reconstructions. As one-stage procedure, I used my original variant dual plane of the conventional submuscular technique, without acellular matrix or mesh, with prostheses size up to 500 grams and more, with only 4% of major complications and revision surgery. Three times less the rate of major complications reported with the expander. This permits to avoid high costs of acellular matrix of animal origin and related complications. The original surgical technique is described and illustrated in the article.

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